Where else would you rather be?

Follow the travels of Tim and Tim on this blog - We will regularly post updates on our whereabouts on the globe; new pictures and new videos of our latest trips to keep you all energized and ready for that next adventure!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Travel Oz: QLD Road Trip

Hey Guys!!

If you weren't tuned into Richard Glover's drive home on ABC702 yesterday arvo then you might not have heard what we're up to on the upcoming episodes of Travel Oz. Fear not!

This weeks episode sees us take off on an epic, seven episode road trip through the great Australian state of Queensland.

Starting in the state's beautiful capital, Brisbane, we travel over 7500km visiting a diverse range of towns from iconic Mount Isa in the states dusty red centre to the mesmerising white sandy beaches of the Whitsundays Islands off the east coast.

In this ep we'll be introducing you to what we like to call the "art of road-tripping," we'll be meeting some of the characters you can expect to run into out on the wide open road, from the groups of kombi-driving backpackers, to the grey nomads (retirees criss-crossing the outback in comfortable motor homes) and of course the life-blood of Australia... Aussie truckies.

We had a heap of fun filming this part of the series and managed to get out of the comfort zone everywhere we went... but that's what it's all about!!

We don't want to spoil the surprise, but here are a few snaps of the trip, and don't forget to tune into ABC1, 6pm Wednesdays!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Travel Oz

If you haven't yet, make sure you check out our work for Travel Oz on ABC1 in Australia, 6pm Wednesday nights.

For other regions check your local guides. 
  • Asia-Pacific: Australia Channel
  • Europe, Africa and Middle East: Europe Travel Channel
For now, here's a little taste from the wonderful world of Youtube...

Travel Oz Season 2: SS Yongala Dive



So... Here we are…


For those of you who don’t know, The Two Tim(s) are us, Tim Charody and Tim Doyle. We’re two childhood mates who’ve always shared a passion… TRAVEL. Now we’re chasing our dream and sending it back to the world in high-def. This blog is all about sharing our experiences with you guys. Whether that be paddling up the Sepik river in PNG or chilling on Waikiki beach on Oahu, Shipwreck diving the SS Yongala off Townsville or bashing through central Queensland in a 1963 EH Holden, literally dressed as clowns (wigs and all).


We’ve brought our dream to life with our company, Elsewhere Productions. While technically based in Sydney, Australia, it seems that 74.3% of the time our ‘office’ tends to be more like an old van cruising up the coast, an isolated village in the Pacific, a schmick hotel room, someone’s basement or a table at the local coffee shop.


But that’s how we roll! We love nothing more than an irregular day at the office, working strange hours & then throwing on our backpacks, grabbing the cameras and heading off into the unknown.


Our fresh, fun style on the camera, and skill behind it (it’s just us… no crew, no producers, no researchers. Just us) has translated well to a global market and our shows are seen across Australia, Asia, The Pacific, Europe, The Middle East and parts of Africa.


So stay tuned and try and pick where we might end up next… Your guess is as good as ours!




- The travel bug really is an insatiable disease. It doesn’t matter how much we travel, it just gets stronger and stronger, it actually seems like the more we do travel, the more we want to travel, there is always that place we didn’t get to, or that experience we missed out on, or that country just nextdoor we didn’t have time to visit.. “next time!” we always say - And that’s the curse…

- Probably the best part of our job is how each day we are doing something completely different to the last. One day we might be hanging with a group of super-trendy Tokyo socialites in Harajuku and the next we are on our way to a poverty-stricken region of Sub-Saharan Africa! This actually happened on our last trip…

- We got into this because we love to travel. The whole filming, presenting, TV thing came second. We now love more than anything to capture moments while we are on the road with our cameras but essentially, it all started out of a love for traveling and a passion for other cultures.

- Through our filming we have had the opportunity to spend time in some extremely poor and isolated places and it in these areas where we have learned the most about ourselves and our human connection to the earth. It almost seems like the happiest people we have ever come across are from the situations with the least monetary wealth. Some places in Africa or Papua New Guinea where people live a completely subsistence lifestyle without a cent but rich in their natural abilities, where their next meal depends on their ability to spear a fish or grow enough taro in their garden, is truly inspirational. It makes us question our own values and our own connection to the planet.